Welcome to the English-speaking platform!

My Nguyen_Community Managerin • 21 April 2023

Hello and welcome to the community platform of Together in Germany!


I am My and I co-moderate the English-speaking forum together with Yara. I have knowledge in labor migration, family reunification as well as recognition of foreign degrees. I am happy to support you with all your questions about living and staying in Germany.


Together in Germany is a multilingual community platform for all questions about living in Germany.

In the forum, you can ask questions and share your experiences with other community members. You will receive responses from the community, Yara and myself. If you need more specific information, we can conntect you with experts who can help you, find the answers you need.

As the community manager, I ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe in the forum. I am here to help and support you if you need information or if you have any difficulties. If you want to contact me directly, please tag me in every comment you write with @My Nguyen_Community Managerin. I will receive a notification and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for all your contributions and shares on Together in Germany!


Answers (64)


Hello, can i have some advice please feom you iam moroccan 38 years old i have a lot of experiences and i worked in almost 10 type of jobs, im looking for a better payment and a dicent life, im taking care of 7 persons at home, i have a diplom as technician computer management


My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Hello hope you’re doing well,

Today I have received an email from haagermany.help they asked me question, and the question was (please upload travel documents of your family) then I uploaded so can you tell me what is the next step. 
I will highly appreciate your help.


Suliman Hassani


My wife was defender activist.

She has case with Kabul luft bruke ter are several emails back and forth about her case and the last email was from Federal Hagermany and it was about four months ago. Please update me how long will it take for her case to be approved, because life in Afghanistan is very difficult for women like her.


Suliman_Hassani thank you for your comment, unfortuantely we cannot tell you when and if you will receive a reply. As far as we know you will only receive an approval and not rejections. We also have a thread where people exchange their experience with the admission program. This might help you: https://together-in-germany.de/en/thread/i-was-supplier-giz-kabul
Please also check our Afghanistan info page: https://handbookgermany.de/fa/afghanistan-info?antkhab-mwdw=brnamh--jdy… 
Best wishes


Zubairsafi thank you for your comment, unfortuantely we cannot tell you when and if you will receive a reply. As far as we know you will only receive an approval and not rejections. We also have a thread where people exchange their experience with the admission program. This might help you: https://together-in-germany.de/en/thread/i-was-supplier-giz-kabul
Please also check our Afghanistan info page: https://handbookgermany.de/fa/afghanistan-info?antkhab-mwdw=brnamh--jdy… 
Best wishes


I really appriciate it where i can found the answer


Hello maden hope doing i got 3 years docmnt from BAMF i want to bring my family because in frist three months who who got asylum protaction give information about family so first what should i do to start working for bring my family
Thanks alot
Sharafatullah haqyar


Thank you for having me!! I am so glad I found this counselling platform :) :)


My Nguyen_Community Managerin thank you for the work that you're doing here. please I posted my concern directly under Yara _Community Manager page. As I do not want to post it in all the pages here . But as the manager, maybe you can look into my concern with Yara, to see if you might have any information that might be helpful to me. Thank you. Jasmine


appreciate your support. would you please tell me, when the opportunity card will be launch and from where we can apply?



Thank you @ my nguyen!
Thanks a lot from your kind supports


Hallo I have a question regarding application for permanent residence permit and counting of the residency durations.

I have been living in Germany since April 3, 2015. I came here on a student visa and graduated with my first degree at the end of March 2018. After that, I was on a job-hunting visa for 1.5 years under section 20 and worked during that time.

I then started my second degree in October 2019 and I am still a student and continuing my studies under the current student visa. I have already paid pension insurance contributions for more than 60 months. I would like to know, when I apply for the settlement permit, I know the the study period count as half of it.

But what about the 1.5 year job seeker visa that I had under Section 20 from April 2018 to September 2019, where I also worked.

Does this count as residence or full-time or part-time when applying for a permanent residence permit or settlement permit according to Section 9?

I am eagerly awaiting your reply,

Kind regards,



I am mohammadullah ahmadi. I have 4 children. I have registered my self in cases@kabulluftbruecke.de
.but up to now only case number, i didn't receive any reply. I was sergeant in APPS System or Afghanistan people payment system in Kabul Military Training Center of Afghanistan. The Taliban up to now want to find me with all my family to kill us. Also i do not have permission to work in any place. Because if i recognise by any one , we will die by Taliban same my brother Reza. He was same me sergeant. The Taliban killed my brother. So please help us . I am waiting for your reply. One things i did not tell is that my children did not have permission go school. Any if the Germany government hell us we will be alive .because only our you is Germany government. Without it we will die from jobless or economy problems, my children may become made from stress the Taliban bring of them even us. Or maybe Taliban find us one day and they will kill us on that day.
Please comprehend us.
Please think about us .please

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