Volunteer Work

maroc41 • 23 June 2023

Hello, can I get assistance in securing a volunteer job through the various government programs that are available. If so, could I be kindly directed on how to go about this. Thanks!

Job search

Answers (5)


Hi, thank you for your question. Indeed, Germany offers various volunteering opportunities. There are multiple volunteer programs, such as the Youth Volunteer Service (Jugendfreiwilligendienst) or the Federal Volunteer Program (Bundesfreiwilligendienst).
You can search for a youth volunteer program here: https://www.jugendfreiwilligendienste.de/resource/blob/206610/f92048d94…
Please note participation is possible for persons up to the age of 27 who have already completed compulsory education in their home countries.
You can also search for a federal volunteer program here: https://www.bundesfreiwilligendienst.de/bundesfreiwilligendienst/platz-…
Unfortunately, these search engines are in German.
If you would like to complete a volunteering service in Germany, you will need to apply at the Germany embassy or consulate responsible for you. You will need to hand in various documents, including the contract with the volunteering service. Here is a list of the documents you need to hand in from the German embassy in the UK: https://uk.diplo.de/uk-en/-/2449448#content_2
Please note the documents might differ slightly at every embassy.
You will receive so called pocket money by the program. The amount varies according to the program but should be around 438 euros per month. Some programs also provide accommodation, it’s a good idea to ask before hand.
If you are already in Germany and would like to apply for a residence permit for participation in a voluntary service you can check the requirements of the Berlin immigration office here: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/330848/en/
Please note the requirements can vary depending on the city you are in.

I hope this information was useful. If you need further information, I am happy to help.

Best wishes


Thank you for your response. I have a few questions, do I have to know the German language in order to participate in these volunteer jobs? Is there a specific time when these volunteer jobs begin and end? Thank you.


Hi maroc41, yes, most volunteer jobs do require a basic knowledge of German (A1-A2). I would recommend asking the organization what the exact requirements are. The usual start dates are the 1st day of the month or on the 15th day of the month. There is no specific date when you have to start, this depends on the capacity of the organization. The minimum requirement for a volunteer service is 6 months. Usually the application process for a volunteering service with an organization can take 4-6weeks.
I hope this information was useful.
If you have further questions, please let me know.
Best wishes


Thank you Yara. I am interested in doing volunteer work. Would you know specific organizations that you have worked with previously or even currently that offer volunteer work that would help me secure a volunteer position? Thanks!


maroc41 you are very welcome. We unfortunately, do not work closely with one organization, therefore, I cannot recommend a specific one. There are many different types of organizations that offer volunteer work. They range from the health sector to the environmental sector. Try and choose something that you are interested in and you think you might enjoy most.

Let me know if you have further questions.
Best wishes

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