
Habib123 • 24 February 2023
  1. Hi
  2. I am Habib A. from Afghanistan
  3. Hope you will be fine
  4. Today I get 3 months hinweise of duldung so I sad  about that so I have any chance to stay here in Germany or work in Germany and get nationality
  5. I waiting for your response
  6. Thanks 

Answers (29)


Hello Habib123 ,
Thank you for reaching out to us and asking your question.
Duldung is not a residency in Germany it means your deportation to Afghanistan is on hold because of various reasons. It literally translates to tolerated stay. It’s quite a precarious status to have. There are different types of Duldung in Germany. You can read all about Duldung and what options you might have here: https://handbookgermany.de/en/asylum
It would be a good idea to receive some counselling to see what options you have in order to receive a better status and hopefully a long-term residency.
You live close to Hanau, then you can call or write them here and make an appointment.
Please let me know if they were able to help you.
You can also contact the Refugee Council for your federal state via Mail or phone
You can find their contact details here when you scroll down: https://fr-hessen.de/about/
If you have further questions then please do not hesitate to contact me. We are always happy to help
Best wishes


It's okay Thanks
I take appointment in hanau
And hope my problem is solved.
Thanks once again for your help!


Habib123 I would highly recommend that you make yourself familiar with what Duldung means and what type of Duldung you have, we have a lot of information on this also in Pashto:

This will help you prepare in your appointment in Hanau to discuss what possibilities you will have to receive a residence status. And in general help you understand how you can receive a residence status in Germany.

Best wishes.


Yara _Community Manager I am fine!
Hope you will be fine!
Thank you so much for asking about me
Yes I called for the appointment in hanau Wolfgang and she tell me you come on Wednesday i will meet you so I am still in waiting !
Thanks once again


Habib123, great, let me know how the appointment goes!
I will not be able to attend the appointment in Hanau as I am based in Berlin and working online. I referred you to the counseling center in Hanau, I am sure they will help you further.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Best wishes


Yara _Community Manager Thanks for your response
On Wednesday i have oppointment in hanau Wolfgang I will go and hopefully my problem will be solved!
Thanks once again to referred me to the counselling center in hanau !


Habib123 ,This depends on what type of Duldung you have on Wednesday you can ask all these questions at the center in Hanau. It would be a good idea to bring all you paper work so they can figure out what the next best steps are for you and how you can go to school while having a Duldung.
Best wishes


Hello Habib123, was the counseling in Hanau useful? Could they answer your question about Duldung?
Technically, you can also go to school with a Duldung it always depends what type of Duldung you have and what type of school you want to go to. Do you mean university, vocational training or regular school?
For example, you can get a so called "Ausbildungsduldung" or Tolerated Stay for Vocational Training depending on various factors like how long you have had a Duldung for. You can read more on this type of Duldung here: https://handbookgermany.de/en/ausbildungsduldung
Best wishes


Thank you so much for asking about me
Yes I got very good advice for there .
That's great news in duldung hinweise I also go to school
Once again thanks for answering every question I had.
Be happy Lara!


I am very grateful to you for giving me the address of hanau and it has given me a lot of good advice
Once again
Thank you so much
Be happy Lara!!


!:Aussetzung Der abschiebung duldung;??
I have this type of duldung


Hello Habib123,
unfortunately, I cannot give you a yes or no answer to the question whether or not you can go to school with a Duldung. This depends on what type of Duldung you have and what type of school you want to go to. For example, those with a “Duldung” status can also attend an integration course, provided there are places available. However, this only applies to so-called discretion toleration or “Ermessensduldung” which would include the Duldung for Vocational training and work. You can find out what type of Duldung you have (under what law) when looking at your identity paper they have given you. It usually starts with §60.
You can read more about Duldung here: https://handbookgermany.de/en/duldung


Habib123 You are very welcome, if you let me know what type of Duldung you have I can give you more specific information. Was Wolfgang in Hanau also able to help you with that question?
Best wishes


!:Aussetzung Der abschiebung duldung;??
I have this type of duldung

if u have any information about this duldung let me know.
I asked this question in hanau Wolfgang but unfortunately she did not response about that she did not know ..


Hello Habib123,
Unfortunately "Ausetzung der Abschiebung" translated means the halt of your deportation this is the general name for your status which is a toleration, or Duldung. This is usually written on the front of the paper that the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) has given you it is green and red. When you open it it should specify what type of Duldung you have.
Therefore in order to know what type of Duldung you have you need to find the legal paragraph . It stats with a paragraph sign § number and then letter. So for example "§60 Abs (2) AufenthG" Often this can be found inside the paper that they have given you.
I can also look for another counseling center if you would like

Best wishes


Habib123 thank your reply. I hope you are doing well. Unfortunately, I could not find any further information on that clause. §50 (4) AufenthG is all about having to inform the Ausländerbehörde if you will move or are away for longer than 3 days from area that you are registered in. Unfortunately, I could only find this information in German: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/aufenthg_2004/__50.html
Since I cannot give you legal advice, it is a good idea to seek expert counseling again. Could you write me your postcode and then I can find a counseling center near you. If you would like me to make an appointment for you, I am happy to do that.
Best wishes


Hello Habib123, thank you for you reply. Should I look for another counseling center for you? You mentioned that you are from Afghanistan. If you prefer you can also ask your question in the Dari Forum. Unfortunately, we do not have a Pashto forum yet but it is coming soon!
Best wishes

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