Obtaining a work permit while under Duldung

Armen Arzumanyan • 9 October 2024


I’m from Armenia. I’m in Germany since March 2024. My 8 years old son got kidney deases this year and I brought him to Germany to save him. Currently I have duldung without work permit. Before arriving in Germany I worked as software developer. Now I live in Cologne. How can I get work permit in Germany?


Thank you.

Work permit

Answers (2)

LIFE Initiative

Hi Armen Arzumanyan, thank you for your inquiry. I'm sorry to hear that your son is ill! I hope he gets better soon. 
With a “Duldung” you can only work with the permission of the immigration authorities (https://handbookgermany.de/en/work-permit). You must apply for permission for every new job. It is likely that you will receive permission, but it can take some time. You first have to find a job and then apply for a work permit at the immigration office. If you have a "Duldung" (temporary suspension of deportation), once you have worked for about 12 months you may apply for a "Beschäftigungsduldung" (employment suspension of deportation). https://handbookgermany.de/en/beschaeftigungsduldung. Here is a step-by-step guide in English on how to get a work permit: https://life-initiative.org/en/arbeitserlaubnis-asylverfahren/
I hope this information is helpful for you. If you have further questions, please let me know. If you want to ask a volunteer from our organization to help you in German or in English, please contact us: https://life-initiative.org/en/support/ (website in English).
Kind regards, 

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