Work Permit for Ukrainians

Y.Y.Lu22 • 28 August 2023

I'd like to ask you about getting a work permit in Germany.

I'm currently located in Poland (moved there in 2019) but my residence permit expires soon and the project I am working on closes right before that. I understand that most likely I can't qualify as a refugee as I left Ukraine in 2019 and even if I have Ukrainian citizenship I wasn't there since 2019. Honestly speaking, I don't want to apply for refugee status.

However, after a thorough evaluation of the situation, I understood that I either should seek a job in another country or get back to Ukraine. It may mean that I need to get a work permit in Germany and I can't find any specific information if I need to get a work visa or if there's a simplified way to get a work permit considering the situation in Ukraine.

In order to get a better insight into the situation, I'd like to ask you for more details about the current procedure of getting a work permit for Ukrainians in Germany.

Work permit

Answers (2)


Hello Y.Y.Lu22, thank you for your question on our platform! To receive a work permit in Germany you must apply for a visa. As you mentioned you will not be eligible for applying for the temporary protection. You can apply for a so-called skilled work visa at the Germany embassy in Poland. We have listed these types of visas and their requirements here:
You might also want to consider a job seeking visa to Germany, we have provided more information on the visa on our info page:

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I hope this information was useful. Please let me know if you need further support.

Best wishes

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