Welcome to Together in Germany!

Yara _Community Manager • 2 May 2022

Hi, I am Yara and I moderate the English forum.

Living in Germany comes with a lot of bureaucracy, paperwork and hurdles, especially for new comers or those that do not speak German perfectly.

Together in Germany is a multilingual community platform all about life in Germany. Here you can share your experiences and ask your questions. You will receive answers from the community and myself, if you need more specific information I can reach out to experts that can help you find the answers you need.

I am looking forward to receiving your posts on the forum!

Best wishes



Answers (56)


هشت سال میشود که در المان استم مدت هفت ماه میشود وکیل گرفتیم ولی تا حالا از طرف محکمه جوابی برم نیامده چرا لطفا جواب بتین


Hello Yara, I’m glad to be here. Thank you and all the team for this unique initiative.


There are many refugees that lost their document before they came to Germany, some were ilegal in Ukraine, they can't register, they can't get benefits, some were forced to apply for Asylum which is not a good option in Germany because their movement will be restricted. Please what's the way out for these set of people? Do you know any NGOs in Berlin that gives financial support to refugees?


Princegreat thank you for your question, I have answered the question in the category Rights&Laws --> Registration.
if you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes


Thank you and I am happy to be part of this platform.


Hello madam, please send me a messege I want to tell you something please.


Hello FAHIM, thank you for your message. I saw that you already asked a question on our platform you can just ask another question or comment on your question. We will then come back to you as soon as possible.


On this platform, I'm a new user. This platform is really helpful. Being a member of this forum is an honour for me.
Many thanks to all of the administrators, moderators, and members involved in running the "Together in Germany".


Yara _Community Manager I am new here, and I am already impressed with the support that many people are receiving here. I found this platform through recommendation. It was initially for another topic, but I found out that TIG is even doing a lot more to provide useful information. At least here, there is an option of the language that one can easily understand and communicate better while gradually learning German language. It is not that easy learning a foreign language in adult age, but still most of us that are here , are determined to learn. I am exactly two years in Germany. Last year 2022 i spent 6 months in Volkshochschule for my German B1 certificate. It helped improve my German speaking and understanding, but still not good enough. I am still struggling with the language especially in understanding aspect. Although this is not exactly the reason am here but yet, part of it.... Please I need the help of TIG. I am currently unemployed, and I have also registered with Agentur für Arbeit in my area. I don't really have any work experience here in Germany, as I have only worked as a production employee for a month with P&G company also known as Braun in Walldürn. How do I get help from Job center around my area, actually to help me find a job. As I have been searching for a job since June, and I have not been able for find a suitable job. Agentur für Arbeit enrolled me in a coaching training that basically help especially foreigner to find a job, Ausbildungsplatz or Praktikum. I go there once a week for 30 minutes, but still there are no improvement. Or If you have any suggestions as regards to which organization to reach out to. Importantly, I am physically challenged but NOT in a way that I can not work. I have tried to reach out to few offices that allegedly claim to support the minorites in Germany to integrate well, but few ended up a dead end. And please I would like to know if you can help me to have access to an interpreter, because sometimes I have a very important appointment; and I feel misunderstood from exactly what I really want. I speak basics of German but still not good enough especially in technical terms. My husband is German. Initially when I moved to Germany, he accompanied me to few of my official appointment to help interpret, but he can't keep up with that most of the times. He goes to work because he is the only one paying bills for our family right now. And that is already exhausting. This is why I am looking for a job. we live in the suburban, unfortunately there are lots of stereotypes here. It is also becoming frustrating. It seems like the minorites find it difficult integrating here. It's difficult to find organization that represents the minorites well. So please if you also know of any other organizations apart from the Job center, probably helps people with disability to integrate well, do well to relate the information to me. I would appreciate that. I am sorry I wrote this long explanation, you see why I need an interpreter because I really love to explain myself well.


Hello Jasmine, thank you for replying so fast. Could I also kindly ask you to copy the question in this thread, into the question you posted. This helps also others community members to see your question. I am sure there are many people who have similar questions. Otherwise it might get a bit lost in the thread here. You can easily just copy and paste it into the question you asked. To to this, go to your question: "Please how can I find an interpreter in my area", click on the pen icon in the blue background in the right corner and paste your question there and click save.
If you need any support please let me know. I can also do this for you.
Best wishes


Can you convert this platform into application its more user friendly...


Hello idhavalamin, thank you for your valuable feedback! Unfortunately, our platform is not yet the best for the mobile version, we are working on this. If you want to add the platform to your home screen on your phone, to access it quicker, you can go on the website and click the three dots in the top right hand corner and then select "add to home screen". We are happy to hear about your feedback on this platform.
Best wishes

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