Third National coming from Ukraine

ibk40000 • 19 January 2024

Good day sir/ma 

My name is Adeleke Ibukunayo originally from Nigeria..I was living in Ukraine before the war broke out and fled to Germany..I registered in Munster city and did fingerprint for residence permit and I was denied the residency,They took my passport in month of November and at the moment facing deportation, I moved to berlin because I was able to get 3 months internship in the hospital, I got the contract signed already but my passport is still at Munster city.. Please what can I do to get my passport back and what are the chances and requirements to help me stay back with the three months internship that I have..

Leaving Germany

Answers (1)


Hello ibk40000, Hello, thank you for reaching out to us.
I would advise you to seek out migration counseling that can look at the next steps and options you might have to continue your stay in Germany.
There are various advice centers in Berlin, which you can contact.
For example the refugee law clinic can help you further:
Or the AWO Mitte also does counseling, you can see the current opening times here:…
You can also search for a counseling center using the Berlin advisory network:

If you have any further questions please let us know. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes

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