Seeking for Help

jpmindermann5289 • 18 August 2023

Hello, I am Jan Piere M. 34 years old, and I live here in the Philippines. I am the son of the late Alfred M. a German citizen. I would like to ask for help for the education of my child, Aiyah B. M., who is 3 years old. I am currently unemployed due to a mental illness that makes life difficult for me. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide financial support if possible. I would like to kindly ask you for possible assistance or if you might know of a foundation that could help individuals. I apologize for the difficulties of living and being unemployed here in the Philippines, especially while struggling with my mental illness. Sometimes I have faced discrimination due to my skin color, but I am trying to survive for my family. I hope that you can help me. Thank you very much.

Child benefit

Answers (1)


Hello jpmindermann5289, thank you for reaching out to us and writing your question on the platform. Thank you for your patience. I am sorry you are experience such hardship and discrimination. Unfortunately, around 36% of families in the Philippines have to take on loans and or dept.…
I have searched for financial programs that can help you with you child’s education
There is a program that helps financially with the children’s education: dswd-educational-assistanc, it is for marginalised communities. I hope this educational assistance can help you.
There is also a list of helpful resources for mental health support in the Philippines.,-If%20yo…).

Please note I have shortened the names to protect everyone’s privacy. S

If you have any further questions please let me know
Best wishes

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