Residence title of my parents „ § 23 Abs. 1 Aufenthaltsgesetz

skamawi • 25 April 2024

Hi Team, 


Hope you are well? i have a specific question on Landes Aufnahme program Berlin for Afghanistan. 
my parents have received the visa for this program and both of them are 67 year plus means already at the retirement age. As I have bring them on this program against my sponsorshiip. i have following questions.

  •  As my father and mother both are over 67 year age, how can I do the process of retiring them legally in Germany where as they just moved to Germany and have this visa § 23 Abs. 1 Aufenthaltsgesetz. What could be the process?
  • Are my parents after getting the retirement document eligiable to the bugergeld or social help? Considering I have provided a sponsorship? With or without getting the retirment document of my parents, how can I get a social help for them? Is there any source that I could reach for help in Belin?




Answers (1)


Hello skamawi, thank you for reaching out to us.
Since your parents will come via the “Landes Aufnahmeprogram” which works over a so-called declaration of commitment, they will not be able to receive financial help from the state. This does not include the health insurance in Berlin, the “Sozial Amt” will cover the health insurance of your parents.
Your parents are unfortunately, not able to receive Bürgergeld if someone has signed a declaration of commitment.
The person who signs the declaration of commitment makes themselves responsible for 5 years and has to cover the costs, if any costs for the state occur. In Berlin the only thing that is covered by the “Sozial Amt” are the medical expenses.
There are different regulations for every federal state in Germany regarding the Landes Aufnahmeprogram.
More information on the declaration of commitment in general can be found here:

In Berlin you can receive help from the Welcome Center, they also offer counselling in English and other languages:…

If you have any further questions, I am always happy to help.
Best wishes

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