Residence permit

khanan • 29 December 2023

dear sir, ma’am, 

I have asked this question in Pashto waited for days but no one replied Me. 

My question is, me and my wife have came to Germany a year ago. My wife had worked with Germans in Afghanistan, due to the change of Regime in Afghanistan Germans have evacuated all those Afghans who have worked with them. 

My wife is the main applicant and I was also given visa and came here through her case. 

My wife wants divorce and we have been married for almost 4 years. my question is will my residence permit be cancelled after divorce or not?

Or will I be deported to Afghanistan back? because she was the main applicant and has worked with Germans I was given visa and came here because I am her husband. 
we have our 3 years residence permit. 

I would like to know, what will be my situation after she divorces me, please kindly share your information with me. 





Residence permit

Answers (8)


Dear khanan First of all, don't worry, despite the divorce you will not be deported. what residence permit do you have I assume if you come from afghanistan you have refugee status or? Since you are already in Germany, I can find a counseling center for you and there you will be advised by counselors on what you can do.

Best regards


Thank you so much for your reply.

That would be better if you find me a counseling center in Bonn or Siegburg.

Thank you


Hallo @khanan I have written to these people to make an appointment as soon as they reply I will come back to you they all speak english. I have sent you the number you can also call them yourself. write to me again if you don't hear from me in 2 days. Sometimes I have so many questions that I can forget.
Caritasverband für die Stadt Bonn e. V.
Fachdienst für Integration und Migration
Fritz-Tillmann-Straße 9 · 53113 Bonn
Makbule Aktas · Iyad Al-Sakran · Saloua Mohammed ·
Ann-Katrin Werther · Stefanie Herresthal
Tel. 02 28 / 2 67 17-11 und -14 · Mobil 0 151 / 17 99 77 00


Dear khanan I hope that your wife will reconsider her decision to divorce you. If not, then jobcenter will continue to support you and I would advise you, if you can, to start learning German, get your degrees recognized for job search or, if you want, look for an apprenticeship. so that you can secure your life in Germany. I am posting an office here that can help you with this.
BildungsForum Lernwelten
Im Krausfeld 30 a · 53111 Bonn
Edgar Köller · Tel. 02 28 / 9 69 59 30
Offene Sprechzeiten
Dienstag 10:00 –13:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 14:00 –16:00 Uhr


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