Could you tell me, about the immigration procedures in Germany country. Which country I am living facing to killing targets and I worked as social activist to rise the voice of women who are not allowing to go to school and work, for this purpose it's kindly request my question to answer and assist me, because I am living in the Afghanistan and this country situation goes to dangerous
Hallo Usmanzahin , we understand the difficult situation for many in Afghanistan and it's incredibly brave of you to work as a social activist under such difficult circumstances. If you want to get a work permit in Germany, you need to be considered a skilled worker: If your degree is already recognized, you need to apply for jobs:
Once you have a contract/job offer, you can apply for a work visa at your local German embassy. Finally, I would like to share ALL THE DIFFERENT VISA TYPES and their requirements: This is a quick way to review your options:
Since you are threatened due to your activism and the overall situation in Afghanistan, you may qualify for asylum in Germany. To apply for asylum, you must be physically present in Germany:
For information about Afghanistan, please visit our Afghanistan Info page:
If you have any further questions, please let us know. You can also ask for advice in the forum, e.g. see if others have had similar questions or topics and write your questions below + tag the person (with @). Best Barbara