Permanent residency without B1

kiwigerman • 25 June 2024

Hi Expat community :)

I am a New Zealand citizen, i have been living and working in Germany the past 6 years, i have A1/2 level German.

I have recently, after waiting forever for an appointment, received a diagnosis for my severe ADHD. Some of my symptoms include concentration issues and memory issues, which makes it extremely hard for me to level up my German.

I am planning to apply for permanent residency with an B1 language exemption due to disability/hardship. Has any one been in a similar situation? Im aware its highly likely the foreigners office will say no, and most likely it will have to go to court.

Basically just looking for anyone who has been in a similar situation for some positive comments and or anyone who has any recommendations of what i can do?


Answers (5)


i am currently on a §18a which i have held for 1 year and 10 months. previously i held a standard working permit. i have been a legal resident in Germany for 6 years. so i meet all requirements under §9 for settlement permit apart from the language requirement


Hey kiwigerman , thank you for your respond. Whether you can get permanent residency with A1 because of your ADHS depends on many factors. The immigration office will look at your individual situation. How severe is your ADHD and how much do your ADHD symptoms interfere with your ability to learn German? Have you taken German courses or made other efforts to improve your language skills? That's why I recommend: Make sure you have good documentation. Please note that this is general information only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any further questions, please let us know. You can also ask for advice in the forum, e.g. see if others have had similar questions or topics and write your questions below + tag the person (with @). Best Barbara 


Barbara (Community Manager)  Hi Barbara,


Yes it's pretty severe and my diagnosis mentions my difficulties with learning. Of course I have tried apps which have helped me get to A1 but with my difficulties it's hard to get past that level. I have tried courses but they just don't work for me with my concentration issues. It's hard to find info relating to this waiver for general disabilities ( not just my one specifically ) which makes me a bit nervous applying. So basically it depends on the agent who takes my case and their descretion?


I am applying with a lawyer so hopefully that means it can be solved with the ausländerberhörde and not have to go to court.


kiwigerman We are an information platform that can provide you with initial general information. If you apply with a lawyer, you are in the best hands. I cross my fingers that you get your residence without problems. Best Barbara 

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