Permanent Residence (Niederlassungserlaubnis)

mk131 • 23 June 2023

Hi there,

I would like to post and ask this here as I might not be fully aware of the requirements or the VO (Visa Officer) setting at the Ausländerbehörde decides by his/her own. I have been living in Germany since 2016, came on a language visa and learned German language until C1 until 2017 meaning I have certificates from A1 to B1 from the same language school but took classes of B2 and C1 followed by Teilnahme Bescheinigung, including a masters degree in English from a German university in Berlin. I have been working full time since November 2021. Long story short, I applied for a Niederlassungserlaubnis as it takes a very long time to get an appointment, however, I got an appointment in November 2023 but the VO wants me to either do the Integrationskurs or present a passed test certificate of the Einbürgerungstest. Nevertheless, a close friend of mine who doesn’t speak a word of German gets his appointment in 2 months and that is without a German language even their website literally says that applying after 22 months the person should have A1. I don’t understand people working at the Ausländerbehörde whether they don’t know the requirements or they decide whom to give a PR and whom not. 

I would only be interested to know what criteria are they following/looking by deciding on their own.

I am looking forward to your feedback and insight on this.

Thank you so much :)

Residence permit

Answers (6)


Hello mk131 thank you for your question and post. I am sure there are many in Germany that share your concerns when dealing with the immigration office. The immigration office workers are sometimes not up to date with the regulations and make mistakes. Unfortunately, this is very frustrating since it takes so long to receive an appointment and it can often feel very arbitrary.
I would try and contact your case worker at the immigration office and ask them to check whether you can be exempt from doing the integration course and Einbürgerungstest. Since you are working here. I would also consider giving them feedback, if you are in Berlin you can do this via the following form:
Otherwise you can let me know what city you are in an I can look if they have a similar form.
We are not connected with the immigration office and can therefore not directly answer your question of what criteria they are following. But many have made very similar and unpleasant experiences at the immigration offices.
I hope that you can get you permanent residency as soon as possible. If you have further questions, please let me know. I would also love to hear an update.
Best wishes


Yara _Community Manager thank you for responding to this. I am based in Berlin ( the heart to every foreigner ). My main concern is why would one need to present extra language certifications when already provided certificates are/were enough that I presented them called Intensive course. I already have my Einbürgerungstest today and will pass it as well but why this unfairness :)



Hi mk131, I am sorry that you experienced such unfairness from the immigration officer. I hope that you will receive the permanent residence as soon as possible. I also wish that you will not have any more negative encounters with them in the future. Many experience unfair behavior and discrimination at the immigration office and this is not okay.


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