Not sure if turist visa is over

Shrew1990 • 4 June 2024

Hello, and thank you very much for the help.

A. I am an Israeli citizen and following the situation in Israel, there was an approval that allowed Israelis to stay in Germany from 7/10 - 26/4 without the need residence permit (usually schengeun permission 90/180 (

B. During that time i got accepted to a working position but still waiting to receive the contract (should arrive in few days) and apply for a blue card visa. 

C. The issue is that in total i am 93 days in Germany which are 3-days more than allowed by scengen visa (if including the period of the spcecial aggreement mention in A.).

D. What would be the best way to deal with the situation? Do the period mention in part A. considered as part of the 90/180 days in the schengen visa? 

Thank you very much again for any assistant.

Residence permit

Answers (2)


Hello Shrew1990, thank you for reaching out to us.

As far as I understand you cannot receive a residency after the 26th of April, according to the regulation.
It could be that you have to repeat the visa procedure in Israel at the German embassy there.

I would like to post this question to our expert to see if there might be an opportunity  for you to receive the residency here. As soon as I receive an answer I will let you know.

Please also keep us updated, in case you receive the residency. It would also help us if you share what city you are in, so we can refer you to a counselling center if needed.

Best wishes


Hi Shrew1990, apologies for the late reply. Is there any update regarding your situation?

Unfortunately, I also did not receive any more information. At the moment your visa is expired and you are technically required to leave the country. It is likely that the immigration office will ask you to return and apply for a Blue Card Visa through the German embassy.
However, if you have informed the immigration office directly once you received the job offer this might help with your case.
In general the case workers decide under discretion to some extend if your application will be accepted.

But usually it is best to inform the immigration office as soon as you receive a job offer and not wait until you receive the contract, especially if your residency is limited to only a couple of months.

Please keep me updated and let me know if you have any further questions.
Best wishes

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