Mini Job

Samira Aslamzada • 5 November 2023


I got a mini job for 3 months (Oct-Dec 2023). I informed job centre about this mini job and after few days job Center sent me letter that after 1 Dec 2023 I will not get any unemployment benefits from job centre. While currently I am learning language. Please let me know if with mini job I cannot get unemployment benefits. 


Answers (3)


Hello Samira Aslamzada, thank you for asking your question on our platform. Can I first ask you kindly to change or shorten your username, as it displays your full name and we want to protect the privacy of our users.

I am sorry to hear that the Jobcenter has sent you such a letter. Did they explain for what reason you will not receive further unemployment benefits from them?
Yes, in general you can keep a minijob as well as receive financial support from the Jobcentre, however, there are a few things you need to consider.
1. You must notify the Jobcentre about your mini-job before you start. Otherwise, your benefits will be reduced.
2.The benefits from the Jobcentre are reduced according to your additional income. You can earn €100 per month plus 30% of the remaining extra income you have earned. Anything you make beyond that will be deducted from your "Bürgergeld". So if you, for instance, earn €520, you can keep €100 plus 30% of the remaining €420 (€520 minus €100), i.e. a total of €184.
You can also keep informed on the topic of minijob via our handbook page:
We also have an expert on our page for worker’s rights, maybe Jens Leuner Faire Integration BB can help you further.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best wishes

Samira Aslamzada

Thank you for your answer. I will shorten my username. I shared the job contract with Job Center at the beginning of October while I started my mini job from October 1,2023. This means that if I before starting mini job informed job Center they wouldn’t reduce my benefits?


Hello Samira Aslamzada, indeed if you did not inform the job center on time, meaning before the start of your mini job, this could lead to a reduction in benefits. This should be explained in the letter you have received. It is hard for me to predict if this is the case without knowing what was written in the letter. Usually you have a month to appeal the decision of the job center. I would suggest seeking out counseling in this case. If you let me know where in Germany you live I can help you seek a counseling center.
Best wishes

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