Migration to Germany

jack • 28 October 2023
1 comment

Hi everyone,

I'm from Asia (specifically SouthEast Asia) and I would like to know which way is suitable for me to migrate to Germany?
I'm 27 years old and have Bachelor's degree and recently finished my Master's degree.
I cannot speak or read German language but I'm willing to learn.

May i know any possible part way to migrate to Germany?

Residence permit

Answers (1)


Hello jack thank you for reaching out to us.
Firstly, congratulations on finishing our degrees!
There are different kind of visa, which requires different requirements and thereby might cause challenges. You can have a look at the various visa on our website: https://handbookgermany.de/en/immigration
One option could be a start of a language course in Germany. You could learn the language and start looking for a job after you finished your course. Unfortunately, this requires pretty high financial conditions.
Alternatively, since you have accomplished 2 degrees, this might be a good start to consider to apply for a work permit. If either one of your degree is acknowledged, you can be considered as a skilled worker. You can check your university and your degree on the database, anabin. Even if they are not listed, you can still consider to apply for an acknowledgement.
In case you already have a full recognition, you have 2 options:
1. You can apply for a job search visa, which gives you the opportunity to look for a job in Germany for 6 months. Please note that you will need to proof that you can cover your own living expenses in Germany.
2. There is the possibility to apply for jobs from abroad. With a work contract/offer, you can apply for a work permit at your local German embassy. The salary is proof to cover your livelihood.
You can have a look at the different visa and can get back to me, if you have further questions about them.

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