Looking for student job paid placement

raybadu2005 • 9 November 2023
1 comment

I am currently studying MSc. Project Management how do I find a student job placement link to gain both practical job knowledge and income to support my studies?

Job search

Answers (1)


Dear raybadu2005 thank you for your valuable question!
It is a great idea to look for an internship to get some practical experiences. There are special platforms to look for internships, like mein praktikum or unicum. On each website, you will find a search mask to filter your preferences.
We can provide you some general information about internships and job applications.
Lastly, I would like to mention that as a student you are also allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the semester. On Handbook Germany you can find an overview about student jobs and their requirements.
Happy if you go through and get back to me, in case you have further questions.

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