job search

Hikmatullah Azizi • 19 October 2024

Thanks for sharing the links and the website addresses. But i have some specific questions regarding my career. I am going to complete job coaching as well at Tertia. Still, I have been receiving only rejections(I feel discriminated). I completed Vorbereitung auf die Arbeitswelt at the Chamber of Engineers and recognized my degree and got an Engineer Title. I received at least 100 rejections. I am an Agricultural Engineer with eleven years of experience with international projects as an irrigation engineer. Although i completed my German B2.I still don't see any hope and thinking that I just wasted my time learning the German language. Even if I get C2 still I would be available to find a job. In this situation I applied for some training at the Job center which was also rejected. I even contacted the companies from whom i got rejections to get to know about the reasons but they also didnt specify any valid reason only saying that there was a lot of competition. I tried to carry on my master studies at Hannover but then i thought , it will be again another time wastage. As i didnt see in any of the job advertisements that the requirement is master degree. Secondly i have extensive experience which may fulfill the lack of a master degree.   In short i wouldnt have imagined this happening to me in Germany. I feel myself to be in a third world country not in Germany. 


Job search

Answers (6)


Dear Hikmatullah Azizi , I can understand your frustration and disappointment. It's hard to face so many rejections, especially when you've put in so much effort and have the right qualifications. The first thing to do is to talk to your Jobcentre adviser again and ask if you can get job coaching. They can give you advice on job search strategies and interview techniques. Also try to make contact with people who work in your field. Attend industry events, join online forums and use LinkedIn to build your network. If you have contacts from your previous international projects, reach out to them for advice or potential job leads. The most important thing is to keep going. Best wishes, Barbara 

Hikmatullah Azizi

I currently attend job coaching at Tertia but apparently it seems to be useless. They didn't train me for interview. The coaches are all retired 70 +. They just polished my CV a bit and one motivation letter and send the same to every company. They don't even edit the application documents properly to suit the profile of the company and to match the qualifications and skills required by the job.

I don't know other professionals working in my field irrigation. I only know one German who was working for us. May be I will ask him. 

I asked the companies back about the rejection but they also didn't provide specific reasons.

I was aiming to carry on my master degree at Hanover university thinking that it might increase my chances but then reversed my decision . As I have eleven years of experience and I may not need master. Similarly I don't see the strict requirement of master degree in the job advertisements. So I perceived it as it would be a time wastage as I wasted two years in learning German. Still it requires more time the more I will learn German the more I will be away from my field and the less efficient I may become and end of the day again i wouldn't be able in professional reorientation. And job center clearly discriminating me sending me job offers to work in Lager or so. But when I requested for training they rejected it several times saying that you have a degree and you have good chances to work in your own field of work but they were just lying. Even in an official letter they said that as an agricultural economist you have lot of opportunities but I am an agricultural engineer ( I tried to make an anti discrimination case against them but uptil now it's not successful).

Sorry for inconveniences 

Hikmatullah Azizi

Please guide me about the industry events and online forums. I don't know them. 


Hikmatullah Azizi

Barbara (Community Manager) Job Center does not give me personal appointments and does not guide me in finding a job. I don't know what's the role of Job-Center here in Germany. They should give me regular appointments and guide me step by step how to proceed to hunt a job . 

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