I have registered my self for Germany family reunion visa in Islamabad as an afghan

ak • 8 November 2023

Look dear madam:

it has been along time that I have registered for getting interview with Germany embassy in Islamabad as an afghan citizen so after along time approximately 26 months later they emailed me and said come to the interview so whe. I searched about the visa getting process of Germany then I reached to the minimum time and that’s about 3 months I mean I know I am going to give the interview and. They will check my documents but after that why they don’t make  a quick decision to issue the family reunification visa to me although my wife is pregnant of 8 months and she went to back to Germany to give birth to my child their so I want to know why they delay the process of getting visa however I don’t have any one in Islamabad to stay their and its so boring for a foreigner to stay with out any reason for 3 months in hotel.

please give some tips and quick reply to me that what to do to get my visa quickly

kindly regards Armani Khan 


Answers (1)


Hello @ak, thank you for reaching out to us. It is great that you finally received a date for the interview. Unfortunately, there are no easy ways to speed up the visa process. The very long waiting times for family reunification is frustrating for many. A quicker process is only given in extreme situations or with the family reunification of minors. We have compiled more information about family reunification on our Afghanistan info page: https://handbookgermany.de/fa/afghanistan-info?thema=familiennachzug
You can try to speed up the process by handing in the document with the predicted due date of your wife’s birth. This might speed up the process for you.
Unfortunately, I do not have any more information for you. I hope that you will receive your visa as soon as possible.
Best wishes

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