I am looking for a suitable job.

Behnam • 8 February 2024

For the past 12 years, I have been specializing in professional marketing and marketing management, both academically and through practical experience. My main expertise lies in marketing management for new products in emerging markets, and I have achieved significant professional successes in various countries. Now, I am looking to immigrate to Germany to successfully tackle new challenging opportunities. Although I have previously worked for a German company, I am neither currently in Germany nor a resident of the country. Please advise me on how I can find a suitable job for myself. I am fluent in English and have a proficiency level of A1 in German.

Job search

Answers (6)


Hey Behnam , Thank you for contacting us with your question. We have some valuable information on how to secure a job in Germany on our website: https://handbookgermany.de/en/jobsearch-and-application#faq_108
You need to get a work permit and be considered as a skilled worker: https://handbookgermany.de/en/recognition
Finding a job from abroad can be challenging. That is why you can apply for a job-seeker's visa and have 6 months to find a job in Germany: https://handbookgermany.de/en/visa-jobseekers
Here is also a website where you can quickly check your options:
I hope the above information is useful for you. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Best Barbara


Thank you for sharing the valuable information with me. May I request your permission to schedule an online session with you to discuss some of my questions?


Are there employment agencies or companies in Germany that can help me find a suitable job position? If yes, may I ask you to send me the most reliable site?
Thanks for your cooperation

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