I am a caregiver for the elderly, how do I get a job in Germany?

luaafonsos • 12 July 2024

Hello, I hope everyone is well.

I have a working/holiday visa to be in Germany for a year. I am a caregiver for the elderly and would like to work during this period. I've been to Germany and took the A1 course and speak English. I would like to know if there is help for immigrants to get a job as a caregiver or if they help by paying for the German course so that I can get a job faster (I read that it is only possible with level B1). Also, is it possible for me to have a job with my certificate and internship from Brazil or if I need to take the caregiver course in Germany as well? 

Thank you very much in advance🙏🏾

Job search

Answers (3)


luaafonsos thank you for your reply. I understand that you would like to work long term in Germany in the nursing profession. First of all, you need to know that the Work Holiday Visa allows you to work in temporary jobs. If you want to work in the nursing profession, you'll need to have your qualifications from Brazil recognized and you'll need to have a German certificate at the minimum B1 level: https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/working-in-germany/professions-in-demand/nursing Unfortunately, financial support for German language courses is not common. However, there may be affordable options, for example at Volkshochschulen (VHS): https://handbookgermany.de/en/learning-german#faq_907Of About recognition of your qualifications, please read our website handbookgermany: https://handbookgermany.de/en/recognition#faq_19 Beate IQ NRW do you have any other tips for Luafonsos?? Please also check the link, it may be helpful: https://handbookgermany.de/en/jobsearch-and-application#faq_108 If you have any further questions, please let us know.  Best Barbara

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