Humanitarian Visa help

zergay • 1 August 2023
1 comment

Dear All,

I am from Afghanistan, right now I am in Iran I worked with NATO forces as an IT Engineer in Afghanistan with all proves like HRs letters, appreciation certificates and pictures with my forginer mintors, I walkout from Afghanistan I can't go back it's about less or more than 4 months that I am living in here and tried very a lot to find a formal way to go to Germany but I can't please and please show me a way that what should I do now.

Thanks a lot

Zelgay Kunari

Residence permit

Answers (1)


Dear zergay thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry to hear about your difficult situation.
Unfortunately, there is currently no easy way to apply for the admission program - in addition from another country. Even though the German admission program proceeds, they will firstly reach out to individuals who already received an approval. If you have not yet received an approval, you may consider exploring other relocation programs from different countries, which can be found on the UNHCR website:
Alternatively, you could consider to apply through another visa, like employment. Especially, Germany is facing a shortage in IT Engineering, your chances can be higher. Please find all the different types of visa on our website:
In case you need further support or have questions, please let me know.

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