Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan

541f • 26 August 2023

My email is linked to two applications for the Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan. However, the email I received last on 24th August 2023 requesting further information about the family members identity (passport, tazkira, and marriage certificate) and does not specify which applicant, so not sure what to do.

I can provide further information for both applicants, but this may delay the application or cause a refusal.

Therefore I am reaching out for your help, is there a way to verify with haagermany.help about the correct applicant.

I look forward to hearing from you


Answers (3)


Hi 541f, thank you for your question. Unfortunately, there is no way to verify or reach out to haagermany.help. I will reach out to those I know working at the coordination center and get back to you with more information, if they have any. However, it is strongly advised to only have one application for your e-mail. As having multiple applications to one e-mail will cause delays and issues with the procedure.
Best wishes


Thank you Yara
I am helping two families facing imminent threats to their lives because of their work alongside the German forces in Afghanistan. Both applications links were sent to my personal email with their names from haagermany.help which were completed and submitted in November and December 2022.

When completing the forms, individual contacts (email and mobile) for each applicant was provided, so I was not expecting to receive further emails at my personal email. This email requesting further information should have gone directly to the applicant email.

Now that I have received the email requesting further information, it is not clear which applicants it is for, I can provide tazkiras, passports, and marriage certificates requested for both applicants, and add notes to clarify this, but at the same time I am concerned this may delay the application or cause a rejection.

I am happy to share further details including their names, please send me private message.

Your help is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.

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