Admission to Germany

wafa1213 • 19 April 2023

Hello Dear Sir/Madam

hope all doing well,

Actually my friend is journalist in Afghanistan and and have applied for Kabul Luftbruecke Asylum seeker to Germany but not have get yet the response.

his life badly in danger and he have beaten badly in Afghanistan.

he have all the documents what ever have have been suffer this one year.

kindly request you please mention the organisation’s which bring Afghan asylum to Germany.


Answers (1)


Hello wafa1213, thank you for reaching out to us.
I am sorry to hear that you have not yet received a reply from Kabul Luftbrücke. Please not that Kabul Luftbrücke cannot issue approval of admission to Germany. Only German Institutions such as the foreign office together with the interior ministry can do that. Furthermore, you cannot apply for asylum outside of Germany. I am assuming you mean the new admission program.

Unfortunately, the current admission program to Germany has stopped temporarily. We will update our information page as soon as the program starts again.
In the meantime, please read our information page on the admission program. We provide important information and useful links, on this page.
Unfortunately, the situation for Afghans that are threatened because of their work is getting worse and I am shocked to see that Germany is not able to protect many vulnerable Afghans and often the procedures of admission does not seem to be transparent.
I wish I could give you a more positive answer.

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